Voice and Piano Sheet Music
Church Style
All Creatures of Our God and King
by Geistliche Kirchengesange and St. Francis of Assisi
All Creatures of Our God and King
by from Geistliche Kirchengesange and St. Francis of Assisi
performed by Fernando Ortega
All Glory, Laud and Honor
by Melchior Teschner and Theodulph Of Orleans
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name
by Oliver Holden and Edward Perronet
All People That on Earth Do Dwell
by Geneva Psalter and William Kethe
All Things Bright and Beautiful
by 17th Century English Melody and Cecil Alexander
performed by Pamela Schultz
All Things Bright and Beautiful
by Martin Shaw, 17th Century English Melody and Cecil Alexander
All Things Bright and Beautiful
by 17th Century English Melody, Martin Shaw and Cecil Alexander
Alleluia, Sing To Jesus
by Rowland H. Prichard and William Chatterton Dix
Are You Washed In the Blood?
by Elisha A. Hoffmann
As the Deer Longs for Streams of Water
by John Barnard and Paul Wigmore
As With Gladness Men of Old: For Epiphany
by Conrad Kocher and William Chatterton Dix
by Tom Conry
At Calvary
by Daniel B Towner and William R. Newell
At Calvary
by Daniel B Towner and William R. Newell
At the Name of Jesus
by James Mountain and Carol M. Noel
Ave verum corpus, K. 618
by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Eucharistic Hymn
A Beautiful Life
by William M. Golden
The Bells of St. Mary's
by A. Emmett Adams and Douglas Furber
performed by The Bells of St. Mary's
Blessed Assurance
by Phoebe Palmer Knapp and Fanny J. Crosby
Blest Be The Tie That Binds: Easy Play - First Verse Only!
by Lowell Mason and John Fawcett
A Bowl of Water and a Towel
by Traditional English Melody and Martin Leckebusch
Break Forth, O Beauteous, Heavenly Light: from Christmas Oratorio - BWV 248
by Johann Rist
Bridal Prayer
by Roger Copeland
Brighten the Corner Where You Are
by Charles Hutchinson Gabriel and Ina Duley Ogdon
Brother James' Air
by Traditional and Based on Psalm 23
The Butterfly Song: (If I Were a Butterfly)
by Brian Howard
Change Our Hearts
by Rory Cooney
Children of the Heavenly Father
by Swedish Melody and Caroline W. Sandell Berg
Children of the Heavenly King
by Ignaz Joseph Pleyel and John Cennick
performed by Pamela Schultz
Christ Arose
by Robert Lowry
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today: Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
by Lyra Davidica and Charles Wesley
Christ the Lord Is Risen Today: Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
by Lyra Davidica and Charles Wesley
Christ, Be Our Light
by Bernadette Farrell
performed by David Phillips
The Church's One Foundation
by Samuel Wesley and Samuel Stone
Come, Christians, Join To Sing
by Traditional
Come, Christians, Join To Sing
by Traditional and Christian Henry Bateman
Come, Thou Almighty King
by Felice De Giardini and Charles Wesley
by Eric Liljero, Reuben Morgan, Jonas Myrin and Edward Mote
performed by Hillsong
Count Your Blessings
by Edwin Othello Excell and Johnson Oatman Jr.
Face To Face
by Grant Colfax Tullar
Fairest Lord Jesus
by Silesian Folk Song, Münster Gesangbuch and Joseph A. Seiss
performed by Pamela Schultz
Fairest Lord Jesus
by Schlesische Volkslieder and German Hymn
Faith of Our Fathers
by Henri F. Hemy and Frederick William Faber
performed by Pamela Schultz
Faith of Our Fathers
by Henri Hemy and Frederick William Faber
Father, Lead Me Day by Day
by Georg C. Strattner and John Hopps
performed by Pamela Schultz
For the Beauty of the Earth
by Conrad Kocher and Folliott Sandford Pierpoint
performed by Pamela Schultz
by Traditional French Carol, Biblical and Traditional
performed by Carsten Gerlitz
Glory and Praise To Our God
by Dan Schutte, Theophane Hytreck, Psalm 65 and Psalm 66
Glory In the Cross
by Daniel L. Schutte
God Leads Us Along
by G. A. Young
God of All
by Chris De Silva
God Sent Jesus: A song for all year with a verse for Easter
by Jennifer S. Porter
God So Loved the World
by John Stainer and 17 John 3:16
God So Loved the World
by John Stainer and 17 John 3:16
God So Loved the World [excerpt]
by John Stainer and John 3:16-17
The Gospel Train
by African-American Spiritual
The Gospel Train
by African-American Spiritual
Grace Greater Than Our Sin
by Daniel Brink Towner and Juliah Johnston
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
by William M. Runyan and Thomas Obadiah Chisholm
performed by Avalon
Hail Mary: Gentle Woman
by Carey Landry
performed by Jon Sarta
Hail Mary: Gentle Woman
by Carey Landry, Martha Lesinski and Luke 1:28
He Keeps Me Singing
by Luther B. Bridgers
He Lifted Me
by Charles Hutchinson Gabriel
He Lives: For Rebecca Murchison
by Alfred H Ackley
Here I Am, Lord
by Dan Schutte
Here I Am, Lord
by Dan Schutte
Higher Ground
by Charles Hutchinson Gabriel and Johnson Oatman Jr.
Holy, Holy, Holy!
by John Bacchus Dykes and Reginald Heber
performed by Pamela Schultz
Hosanna, Loud Hosanna
by Gesangbuch Der Herzogle and Jenette Threlfall
by Gregory Norbert
How Firm a Foundation
by Traditional, Joseph Funk and John Rippon
How Great Thou Art
by Swedish Folk Song and Carl Boberg
I Found the Answer
by Johnny Lange
I Know That My Redeemer Liveth
by George Frederick Handel, James H. Fillmore
and Jessie Brown Pounds
I Love To Tell the Story
by William G. Fischer and Katherine Hankey
I Love To Tell the Story
by Katherine Hankey and William G. Fischer
I Stand Amazed
by Charles Hutchinson Gabriel
I Surrender All
by Winfield S. Weeden and Judson Wheeler Van DeVenter
I Was There To Hear Your Borning Cry
by John Ylvisaker
I'll Be a Sunbeam
by Edwin Othello Excell and Nellie Talbot
performed by Pamela Schultz
I've Got Peace Like a River
by Traditional
Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
by Welsh Hymn Tune, John Roberts and Walter Chalmers Smith
Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise: St. Denio
by Welsh Hymn Tune, John Roberts and Walter Chalmers Smith
Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise: St. Denio
by Welsh Hymn Tune, John Roberts and Walter Chalmers Smith
In My Heart There Rings a Melody
by Elton Roth
In the Cross Alone I Glory
by Brian Petak
In the Garden
by C. Austin Miles
In These Days of Lenten Journey
by Ricky Manalo
It Is Well with My Soul / Be the Centre
by Philip P. Bliss, Michael Frye, Horatio G. Spafford
and Michael Fry
performed by Carol Tornquist
Ivory Palaces
by Henry Barraclough
Jesus Died Alone
by Joel Raney and John Parker
Jesus Is All the World to Me
by Will L. Thompson
Jesus Is the Sweetest Name I Know
by Lela Long
Jesus Loves Even Me
by Philip Paul Bliss and Emily S. Oakey
performed by Pamela Schultz
Jesus Loves Me
by William Batchelder Bradbury, Anna B. Warner
and David Rutherford McGuire
performed by Pamela Schultz
Jesus Loves the Little Children
by George Frederick Root and Rev. C. H. Woolston
performed by Pamela Schultz
Jesus Paid It All
by John T. Grape and Elvina M. Hall
Jesus Shall Reign
by John Hatton and Isaac Watts
performed by Pamela Schultz
Jesus, Keep Me Near The Cross: Easy Play - First Verse Only!
by William H. Doane and Fanny J. Crosby
Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness
by William Gardiner and Nickolaus von Zinzendorf
Lead Me to Calvary
by William J. Kirkpatrick and Jennie Evelyn Hussey
Let Us Break Bread Together
by Traditional Spiritual
The Lily of the Valley
by William S. Hays and Charles W. Fry
The Lord's My Shepherd, I'll Not Want
by Jessie S. Irvine and Scottish Psalter
The Lord's Prayer
by Albert Hay Malotte
The Love of God
by Frederick M. Lehman
Make Me a Blessing
by George S. Schuler and Ira B. Wilson
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
by Martin Luther
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
by Martin Luther
My Faith Has Found a Resting Place
by Andre Gretry and Lidie H. Edmunds
My Faith Looks Up to Thee: Easy Play - First Verse Only!
by Lowell Mason and Ray Palmer
O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing: Easy Play - First Verse Only!
by Charles Wesley
O God, Our Help In Ages Past: Easy Play - First Verse Only!
by William Croft and Isaac Watts
O Jesus, I Have Promised
by Arthur Henry Mann and John Ernest Bode
O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus
by Thomas Williams and Samuel Trevor Francis
O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus
by Thomas Williams and Samuel Trevor Francis
O Worship the King
by Johann Michael Haydn and Robert Grant
O, How I Love Jesus
by Traditional American Melody and Frederick Whitfield
The Old Rugged Cross
by Rev. George Bennard
The Old Rugged Cross
by Rev. George Bennard
performed by Homer Rodeheaver
On Eagle's Wings
by Michael Joncas and Psalm 91
performed by Michael Crawford
One Bread, One Body
by John Foley
performed by Cristine Seeber
Open My Eyes That I May See
by Clara H. Scott
Our Great Savior
by Rowland H. Prichard and J. Wilbur Chapman
Pan De Vida
by Bob Hurd, Dominic MacAller, John 13, Galatians and Pia Moriarty
Pescador de Hombres: (Lord, You Have Come)
by Cesareo Gabarain
Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow
by Louis Bourgeois and Thomas Ken
Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow (Old Hundredth)
by Louis Bourgeois and Thomas Ken
performed by Pamela Schultz
Praise Him!
by Carey Bonner and Anonymous
performed by Pamela Schultz
Prayer of St. Francis
by Randall DeBruyn, Sebastian Temple and St. Francis of Assisi
Prayer of St. Francis: Oracion de San francisco
by Sebastian Temple, Michael Ward and St. Francis of Assisi
Rain Down
by Jaime Cortez, Craig Kingsbury and Psalm 33
Requiem, K. 626: Lacrimosa
by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Rock of Ages
by Thomas Hastings, Augustus M. Toplady and Thomas Cotterill
Shine Like the Sun
by Traditional Scottish and John Ylvisaker
Since Jesus Came Into My Heart
by Charles Hutchinson Gabriel and Rufus H. McDaniel
Sing To the Mountains
by Bob Dufford
Softly and Tenderly
by Will L. Thompson
Spirit Of God, Descend Upon My Heart: Easy Play - First Verse Only!
by Frederick Cook Atkinson and George Croly
Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus
by George James Webb and George Duffield Jr.
Standin' in the Need of Prayer
by African American Folk Song and African-American Spiritual
Standing on the Promises
by R. Kelso Carter
Sweet Hour of Prayer
by William Batchelder Bradbury and William W. Walford
Table of Plenty
by Dan Schutte
Tell Me the Old, Old Story: For Robert J. Riegel
by William H. Doane and A. Catherine Hankey
There Is a Longing
by Anne Quigley
There Shall Be Showers of Blessing
by James McGranahan and Daniel Whittle
Thine Is the Glory
by George Frederick Handel, Richard Birch Hoyle
and Edmund Louis Budry
Thine Is the Glory
by George Frederick Handel, Richard Birch Hoyle
and Edmund Louis Budry
This Little Light of Mine
by Harry Dixon Loes and Avis Burgeson Christiansen
performed by Pamela Schultz
This World Is Not My Home
by E.B. Graham and S.D. Burton
Thou Wilt Keep Him In Perfect Peace: For Carole Flatau
by Vivian Kretz
'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
by William J. Kirkpatrick and Louisa M. R. Stead
'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
by William J. Kirkpatrick and Louisa M. R. Stead
To God Be the Glory
by William H. Doane and Fanny J. Crosby
Tochter Zion, freue dich
by George Frederick Handel and Friedrich Heinrich Ranke
performed by Yannick Streibert
Trusting Jesus
by Ira Sankey and Edgar Page Stites
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
by Helen H. Lemmel
Ubi Caritas (Where True Charity and Love Dwell)
by Gregorian Chant and Liturgical Melody
Victory in Jesus
by Eugene Bartlett
Victory In Jesus: For Raven Mckie
by Eugene Bartlett
We Plow the Fields and Scatter
by Johann A P Schulz and Matthias Claudius
What a Friend We Have in Jesus
by Charles C. Converse and Joseph M. Scriven
What Wondrous Love Is This
by William Walker, American Folk Hymn and Alexander Means
When He Cometh
by George Frederick Root and William O. Cushing
performed by Pamela Schultz
When I Survey The Wond'rous Cross: Easy Play - First Verse Only!
by Lowell Mason and Isaac Watts
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
by Gregorian Chant and Isaac Watts
When Love Is Found
by Hal H. Hopson and Brian Wren
When Morning Gilds the Skies
by Joseph Barnby, Katholisches Gesangbuch and Edward Caswell
performed by Pamela Schultz
Whiter Than Snow
by William G. Fischer and James Nicholson
Wonderful Grace Of Jesus
by Haldor Lillenas
Wonderful, Counselor!
by Isaac Hickman Meredith and Grant Colfax Tullar
You Are Near
by Daniel L. Schutte, Theophane Hytreck and Psalm 139
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Last updated: Tuesday, January 31, 2023