Voice and Piano Sheet Music
20th-Century Style
Abie Sings An Irish Song
by Irving Berlin
performed by All Aboard
After the Honeymoon
by Irving Berlin and Ted Snyder
Alexander and His Clarinet
by Irving Berlin and Ted Snyder
Alexander's Bag-Pipe Band
by Irving Berlin, E. Ray Goetz and A Baldwin Sloane
performed by Hokey-Pokey
Along Came Ruth
by Irving Berlin
performed by Along Came Ruth
Always Treat Her Like a Baby
by Irving Berlin
Amor Mi Fa Cantare: Canzonetta
by Stefano Donaudy
Anna 'Liza's Wedding Day
by Irving Berlin
by Irving Berlin
The Apple Tree and the Bumble Bee
by Irving Berlin
At the Devil's Ball [I]
by Irving Berlin
At the Devil's Ball [III]
by Irving Berlin
At the Picture Show
by E. Ray Goetz and Irving Berlin
performed by The Sun Dodgers
Becky's Got a Job In a Musical Show
by Irving Berlin
Before I Go and Marry, I Will Have a Talk with You
by Irving Berlin
The Best of Friends Must Part
by Irving Berlin
Black Is the Color of My True Love's Hair
by John Jacob Niles and Traditional
Bright Is the Ring of Words: from Songs of Travel
by Ralph Vaughan Williams and Robert Louis Stevenson
Bring Back My Lena To Me
by Irving Berlin and Ted Snyder
performed by He Came from Milwaukee
Business Is Business
by Irving Berlin
Ca' the Yowes to the Knowes
by Old Scottish Melody and Robert Burns
performed by Lord Benjamin Britten
by Paul Bowles and Tennessee Williams
Call Again!
by Irving Berlin
Call Me Up Some Rainy Afternoon
by Irving Berlin
Carol of the Birds
by John Jacob Niles
by Joaquín Rodrigo and Victoria Rodrigo
Christmas-Time Seems Years and Years Away
by Ted Snyder and Irving Berlin
Civet à Toute Vitesse: from La Bonne Cuisine
by Leonard Bernstein and Emile Dumont
Colored Romeo
by Ted Snyder and Irving Berlin
Come Back To Me, My Melody
by Irving Berlin, Ted Snyder and Synder
Cuddle Up
by Irving Berlin
performed by A Real Girl
Daddy, Come Home
by Irving Berlin
Dat's-a My Gal
by Irving Berlin
Dear Mayme, I Love You!
by Ted Snyder and Irving Berlin
Do It Again
by Irving Berlin
Do Your Duty Doctor! (Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Doctor)
by Ted Snyder and Irving Berlin
Dog Gone That Chilly Man
by Irving Berlin
performed by Ziegfeld Follies of 1911
Don't Leave Your Wife Alone
by Irving Berlin
Don't Put Out the Light
by Edgar Leslie and Irving Berlin
Don't Take Your Beau to the Seashore
by Irving Berlin and E. Ray Goetz
performed by The Fascinating Widow
by Irving Berlin
Down in Chattanooga
by Irving Berlin
Down in My Heart
by Irving Berlin
performed by The Little Millionaire
Down to the Folies Bergere
by Irving Berlin, Vincent Bryan and Eddie Snyder
performed by Gabby
Draggy Rag
by Irving Berlin
Dreams, Just Dreams
by Irving Berlin and Ted Snyder
The Elevator Man Going Up, Going Up, Going Up, Going Up!
by Irving Berlin
Ephraham Played Upon the Piano
by Irving Berlin and Vincent Bryan
performed by Ziegfeld Follies of 1911
Everybody's Doing It Now
by Irving Berlin
Fiddle-Dee-Dee [I]
by E. Ray Goetz and Irving Berlin
Fiddle-Dee-Dee [II]
by E. Ray Goetz and Irving Berlin
The Flower of Jesse
by John Jacob Niles
Follow Me Around
by Irving Berlin
performed by My Best Girl
Follow the Crowd
by Irving Berlin
performed by Queen of the Movies
Furnishing a Home for Two
by Irving Berlin
performed by The Society Buds
Gianni Schicchi: "O mio babbino caro"
by Giacomo Puccini and Giovacchino Forzano
God Gave You to Me
by Irving Berlin
Good-Bye, Girlie, and Remember Me
by George W. Meyer and Irving Berlin
Goody, Goody, Goody, Goody, Good
by Irving Berlin
Grizzly Bear
by George Botsford and Irving Berlin
performed by Ziegfeld Follies of 1910
Happy Little Country Girl
by Irving Berlin
The Haunted House
by Irving Berlin
He Promised Me
by Irving Berlin
He's a Devil in His Own Home Town
by Irving Berlin and Grant Clarke
He's a Rag Picker
by Irving Berlin
He's So Good to Me
by Irving Berlin
Herman, Let's Dance that Beautiful Waltz
by Ted Snyder and Irving Berlin
performed by Two Men and a Girl
Hurry: from Mass
by Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Schwartz
I Beg Your Pardon, Dear Old Broadway
by Irving Berlin
performed by Gabby
I Didn't Go Home at All
by Edgar Leslie and Irving Berlin
I Just Came Back to Say Good Bye
by Irving Berlin
I Love To Quarrel with You
by Irving Berlin
I Love You More Each Day
by Ted Snyder and Irving Berlin
I See, Satie
by Dave Brubeck
I Vow To Thee, My Country (Jupiter from The Planets)
by Gustav Holst and Cecil Spring-Rice
I Was Aviating Around
by Ren G. May and Vincent Bryan
I Wish That You Was My Gal, Molly
by Ted Snyder and Irving Berlin
I'm a Happy Married Man
by Ted Snyder and Irving Berlin
I'm Afraid, Pretty Maid, I'm Afraid
by Irving Berlin
I'm Going on a Long Vacation
by Ted Snyder and Irving Berlin
performed by Are You a Mason?
I've Got To Have Some Lovin' Now
by Irving Berlin
If All the Girls I Knew Were Like You
by Irving Berlin
If I Had You
by Irving Berlin
If I Thought You Wouldn't Tell
by Ted Snyder and Irving Berlin
If That's Your Idea of a Wonderful Time (Take Me Home)
by Irving Berlin
If the Managers Only Thought the Same As Mother
by Ted Snyder and Irving Berlin
performed by Jolly Bachelors
If You Don't Want Me (Why Do You Hang Around)
by Irving Berlin
performed by The Trained Nurses
If You Don't Want My Peaches: You'd Better Stop Shaking My Tree
by Irving Berlin
In Trutina (from Carmina Burana)
by Carl Orff
Innocent Bessie Brown
by Irving Berlin
The International Rag
by Irving Berlin
Is There Anything Else I Can Do for You?
by Ted Snyder and Irving Berlin
It Isn't What He Said, But the Way He Said It!
by Irving Berlin
Jake! Jake! the Yiddisher Ball-Player
by Irving Berlin and Blanche Merrill
Je te veux
by Erik Satie and Henry Pacory
by Charles Hubert Hastings Parry and William Blake
Just Like the Rose
by Al Piantadosi and Irving Berlin
Keep Away from the Fellow Who Owns an Automobile
by Irving Berlin
Keep on Walking
by Irving Berlin
The Ki-I-Youdleing Dog
by Jean Schwartz and Irving Berlin
Kiss Me My Honey, Kiss Me
by Ted Snyder and Irving Berlin
performed by Jumping Jupiter
Kiss Your Sailor Boy Goodbye
by Irving Berlin
Lead Me To That Beautiful Band
by Irving Berlin and E. Ray Goetz
performed by Cohan and Harris Minstrels
Linden Lea: A Dorset Song
by Ralph Vaughan Williams and William Barnes
A Little Bit of Everything
by Irving Berlin
performed by Ziegfeld Follies of 1912
Mariä Wiegenlied Op. 76, No. 52
by Max Reger
Marie from Sunny Italy
by M. Nicholson and Irving Berlin
Meet Me To-Night
by Irving Berlin
The Million Dollar Ball
by Irving Berlin and E. Ray Goetz
performed by Hanky-Panky
Molly, O! Oh, Molly!
by Irving Berlin
The Monkey Doodle Doo
by Irving Berlin
performed by All Aboard
My Melody Dream (A Song Poem)
by Irving Berlin
My Sweet Italian Man
by Irving Berlin
My Sweet Italian Man [I]
by Irving Berlin
My Twelve-Tone Melody
by Leonard Bernstein
My Wife's Gone to the Country (Hurrah! Hurrah!)
by Ted Snyder, Irving Berlin and George Whiting
Next to Your Mother, Who Do You Love?
by Ted Snyder and Irving Berlin
No One Could Do It Like My Father!
by Ted Snyder and Irving Berlin
Non Ti Scordar Di Me!: (1912)
by Ernesto de Curtis and Libero Bovio
O Taste and See
by Ralph Vaughan Williams
Oh How That German Could Love
by Ted Snyder and Irving Berlin
performed by Girl and and the Wizard
Oh! Where Is My Wife To-Night?
by George Whiting, Irving Berlin and Eddie Snyder
Oh, That Beautiful Rag
by Ted Snyder and Irving Berlin
performed by Jolly Bachelors
Oh, What I Know about You
by Josh McKeon, W. Raymond Walker and Harry M. Piano
The Old Maids Ball
by Irving Berlin
The One Indispensable Man: from "Knickerbocker Holiday"
by Kurt Weill and Maxwell Anderson
performed by Knickerbocker Holiday
One O'Clock in the Morning I Get Lonesome
by Irving Berlin
performed by A Real Girl
One Touch of Venus: from "One Touch of Venus"
by Kurt Weill and Ogden Nash
performed by One Touch of Venus
Our Ancient Liberties: from "Knickerbocker Holiday"
by Kurt Weill and Maxwell Anderson
performed by Knickerbocker Holiday
Our Father...I Go on: from Mass
by Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Schwartz
Pie Jesu
by Gabriel Fauré, Latin Hymn and Psalm 128
Pie Jesu: from Requiem
by Andrew Lloyd Webber
The Promise: from "The Eternal Road"
by Kurt Weill
performed by The Eternal Road
The Pullman Porters on Parade
by Maurice Abrahams and Ren G. May
by Maurice Abrahams and Irving Berlin
The Ragtime Jockey Man
by Irving Berlin
performed by The Passing Show of 1912
Ragtime Mocking Bird
by Irving Berlin
performed by She Knows Better Now
Ragtime Soldier Man
by Irving Berlin
performed by Ragtime! Hullo
Ragtime Violin!
by Irving Berlin
The Red Dress
by Ricky Ian Gordon and Dorothy Parker
A Rhyme for Angela: from "The Firebrand of Florence"
by Kurt Weill and Ira Gershwin
performed by The Firebrand of Florence
The Robin and the Thorn
by John Jacob Niles
The Rovin' Gambler
by John Jacob Niles and Traditional Folk Spiritual
Run Home and Tell Your Mother
by Irving Berlin
Sadie Salome (Go Home)
by Edgar Leslie and Irving Berlin
San Francisco Bound
by Irving Berlin
The Scars: from "Knickerbocker Holiday"
by Kurt Weill and Maxwell Anderson
performed by Knickerbocker Holiday
She Was a Dear Little Girl
by Ted Snyder and Irving Berlin
performed by Boys and Betty
Sing Me Not a Ballad: from "Firebrand of Florence"
by Kurt Weill and Ira Gershwin
performed by The Firebrand of Florence
Snookey Ookums
by Irving Berlin
Society Bear
by Irving Berlin
performed by The Whirl of Society
Some Little Something About You
by Ted Snyder and Irving Berlin
Someone Just Like You
by Ted Snyder and Irving Berlin
Someone's Waiting for Me (We'll Wait, Wait, Wait)
by Edgar Leslie and Irving Berlin
Song of Miriam: from "The Eternal Road"
by Kurt Weill and Franz Werfel
performed by The Eternal Road
Song of Ruth: from "The Eternal Road"
by Kurt Weill and Franz Werfel
performed by The Eternal Road
Song of the Free
by Kurt Weill and Archibald Macleish
Song of the Rhineland: from "Where Do We Go From Here?"
by Kurt Weill and Ira Gershwin
performed by Where Do We Go From Here?
4. Souvenir Douloureux (Secondo): from "Suite Miniature"
by Cesar A. Cui
Spanish Love
by Irving Berlin, Vincent Bryan and Eddie Snyder
performed by Gabby
Spring and Fall
by Irving Berlin
Spring Sorrow
by John Ireland and Rupert Brooke
Stay Down Here Where You Belong
by Irving Berlin
Stay Well: from "Lost In The Stars"
by Kurt Weill and Maxwell Anderson
performed by Lost in the Stars
Stop That Rag (Keep on Playing, Honey)
by Ted Snyder and Irving Berlin
performed by Jolly Bachelors
Stop, Stop, Stop (Come Over and Love Me Some)
by Irving Berlin
Strange Meadowlark
by Dave Brubeck and Iola Brubeck
Susan's Dream: from "Love Life"
by Kurt Weill and Alan Jay Lerner
performed by Love Life
Sweet Italian Love
by Ted Snyder and Irving Berlin
performed by Up and Down Broadway
Sweet Little Boy Jesus
by John Jacob Niles
Sweet Marie, Make a Rag-a-Time Dance Wid Me
by Ted Snyder and Irving Berlin
performed by Jolly Bachelors
Take a Little Tip from Father
by Irving Berlin and Ted Snyder
Take Me Back
by Irving Berlin
performed by All Aboard
Telling Lies
by Henrietta Blankebelcher and Irving Berlin
Tenor Voice - Aria - " Hades' Wall's ": from Orpheus " Hades' Walls "
by W. A. Young
Tenor Voice - Lament - " Hang Low Willow Branches ": from Orpheus " Hang Low willow branches "
by W. A. Young
"Thank You, Kind Sir!" Said She
by Ted Snyder and Irving Berlin
performed by Jumping Jupiter
Thank You: from Mass
by Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Schwartz
That Dying Rag
by Bernie Adler and Irving Berlin
That Kazzatsky Dance
by Irving Berlin
That Mesmerizing Mendelssohn Tune
by Irving Berlin
That Monkey Tune
by Irving Berlin
That Mysterious Rag
by Ted Snyder and Irving Berlin
performed by A Real Girl
That Opera Rag
by Ted Snyder and Irving Berlin
performed by Getting a Polish
That's How I Love You
by Irving Berlin
That's My Idea of Paradise
by Irving Berlin
performed by The Society Buds
There'll Be Life, Love and Laughter: from "The Firebrand Of Florence"
by Kurt Weill and Ira Gershwin
performed by The Firebrand of Florence
There's a Girl in Arizona
by Irving Berlin, Clarke and Leslie
There's a Girl in Havana
by E. Ray Goetz, A Baldwin Sloane and Irving Berlin
performed by The Never Homes
They're on Their Way to Mexico
by Irving Berlin
They've Got Me Doin' It Now
by Irving Berlin
They've Got Me Doin' It Now (Medley)
by Irving Berlin
This Is My Box: from Amahl and the Night Visitors
by Gian Carlo Menotti
performed by Amahl and the Night Visitors
This Is the Life [I]
by Irving Berlin
This Is the Life [II]
by Irving Berlin and Boris Berlin
To War!: from "Knickerbocker Holiday"
by Kurt Weill and Maxwell Anderson
performed by Knickerbocker Holiday
Tra-La, La, La!
by Irving Berlin
Trouble Man: from "Lost In The Stars"
by Kurt Weill and Maxwell Anderson
performed by Lost in the Stars
A True Born Soldier Man
by Irving Berlin
Try It on Your Piano
by Irving Berlin
Tschaikowsky: (And Other Russians)
by Kurt Weill and Ira Gershwin
performed by Lady In The Dark
Two Hearts: from "A Kingdom For A Cow"
by Kurt Weill and Robert Vambery
performed by A Kingdom for a Cow
Vilja: from The Merry Widow
by Franz Lehár, Victor Léon and Leo Stein
performed by The Merry Widow
Virginia Lou
by Earl Taylor and Irving Berlin
Wait Until Your Daddy Comes Home
by Irving Berlin
Washington Irving's Song: from "Knickerbocker Holiday"
by Kurt Weill and Maxwell Anderson
performed by Knickerbocker Holiday
We Are Cut In Twain: from "Knickerbocker Holiday"
by Kurt Weill and Maxwell Anderson
performed by Knickerbocker Holiday
We Have Much To Be Thankful for
by Irving Berlin
We'll Go Away Together: from "Street Scene"
by Kurt Weill and Langston Hughes
performed by Street Scene
Welcome Home
by Irving Berlin
What a Movie!: from Trouble In Tahiti
by Leonard Bernstein
performed by Trouble In Tahiti
What Good Would the Moon Be?: from "Street Scene"
by Kurt Weill and Langston Hughes
performed by Street Scene
When I'm Alone I'm Lonesome
by Irving Berlin
When I'm Thinking of You
by Irving Berlin
When It Rains, Sweetheart, When It Rains
by Irving Berlin
When It's Night Time In Dixie Land
by Irving Berlin
performed by Watch Your Step
When Johnson's Quartette Harmonize
by Irving Berlin
When You Kiss an Italian Girl
by Irving Berlin
When You Play That Piano, Bill!
by Ted Snyder and Irving Berlin
When You're In Town
by Irving Berlin
performed by A Real Girl
The Whistling Rag
by Irving Berlin
Wild Cherries: (Coony, Spoony Rag)
by Ted Snyder and Irving Berlin
by Ted Snyder and Irving Berlin
performed by Two Men and a Girl
A Woman Is a Sometime Thing
by Du Bose Heyward, Dorothy Heyward, George Gershwin
and Ira Gershwin
performed by Porgy and Bess
Woodman, Woodman, Spare That Tree!
by Irving Berlin and Vincent Bryan
performed by Ziegfeld Follies of 1911
World In Union: (World Cup Rugby 1991)
by Gustav Holst and Charlie Skarbek
performed by Hayley Westenra
Yiddisha Eyes
by Irving Berlin
Yiddisha Nightingale
by Irving Berlin
Yiddisha Professor
by Irving Berlin
Yiddle, on Your Fiddle, Play Some Ragtime
by Irving Berlin
You Picked a Bad Day Out To Say Good-Bye
by Irving Berlin
You're Far Too Near Me: from "The Firebrand of Florence"
by Kurt Weill and Ira Gershwin
performed by The Firebrand of Florence
You've Built a Fire
by Irving Berlin
performed by Ziegfeld Follies of 1911
You've Got Me Hypnotized
by Irving Berlin
You've Got Your Mother's Big Blue Eyes!
by Irving Berlin
by Kurt Weill and Roger Fernay
Young People Think About Love: from "Knickerbocker Holiday"
by Kurt Weill and Maxwell Anderson
performed by Knickerbocker Holiday
Zion's Walls: (Revivalist Song)
by Traditional and Aaron Copland
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Last updated: Tuesday, January 31, 2023